With the increase trend in remote working especially with regards to the new normal, hiring exceptional candidates and to virtually onboard potential candidates can be a challenging time. The process of hiring can be quite […]

3 Top Interview Questions That Really Matter
It is always daunting when preparing for an interview, especially when all questions asked are considered deal breakers for securing that role. So how do we distinguish which questions are actually important and worth noting? […]

Six Most Asked Interview Questions
Now for a lot of people interviews can be an awful experience and not something they do very often at all! We can all get nervous, and our mind goes blank, we can’t think what […]

Stressful interviews
Interviews can be very stressful occasion especially if you have seen the grilling the candidates on the Apprentice have to go through!! Most candidates assume that the interview won’t be as bad as this; but […]

The best time of year to search for talent is…
Let’s start with a pretty big spoiler… There isn’t really a ‘best’ time of year! But… that being said, there are certainly pro’s and con’s of searching the market at different times of year. So […]

Questions to ask at the start, middle & end of your next sales interview!
An interview for a sales candidate should be exactly like a sales meeting except in this case, you’re not selling an actual product or solution; but instead you’re selling YOU! It’s therefore important that you […]

Top 10 Warning Signs You Need A New Job
After last month’s blog post questioning if it was time to seek pastures new several people contact Robertson Sumner to ask if there was any warning signs that they, or those around them, can look […]

How to mitigate the risk of a ’dream candidate’ falling through the net!
It’s hard to have any involvement in the recruitment process in the IT sector and not hear about the current talent crisis in the UK on a daily basis. In this candidate short market it […]

How to prepare for an interview in order to secure your dream job!
Is there such thing as being over prepared for a job interview? We here at Robertson Sumner think not. To be truly ready for an interview there are five major areas to consider, giving you […]
How to enhance your CV for a career in sales?
Whether you’re looking to start your career in sales or if you’re just looking to climb the career ladder, there is nothing more frustrating when looking for a job than being rejected before you even […]