8 Traits of Exceptional IT Sales Leaders: What Sets Them Apart

As a business, Robertson Sumner has interviewed thousands of IT sales leaders, and occasionally, we meet someone who truly stands out. These individuals think, act, and lead in unique ways, making them highly sought after by companies.

Here are eight common traits of truly successful sales leaders:

  1. Instill Confidence: Great managers help salespeople change their self-image and become more confident by addressing their individual needs. They improve how their team members view themselves, fostering growth and self-assurance.
  2. Coach & Develop the Team: Successful managers dedicate significant time to coaching, both in groups and one-on-one. They focus on team success, building a cohesive unit that collaborates to achieve goals. They prioritize activities that enhance team performance and delegate or eliminate tasks that do not.
  3. Constant Improvement & Honest Feedback: Sales professionals seek to improve their skills and success. Outstanding managers provide constructive feedback, even when it’s uncomfortable, to give employees the best chance to succeed. They care about their team as individuals and support those who struggle.
  4. Listen & Communicate: Effective managers are excellent communicators and listeners. They not only execute and implement plans but also explain the “why” behind them. They value listening over talking to ensure effective communication and understanding.
  5. Praise & Encourage: In IT sales, praise is often scarce. Exceptional managers frequently and sincerely express thanks, give praise, and provide recognition. This habit is natural to them and significantly boosts team morale.
  6. Take Responsibility: Great managers admit their mistakes and take responsibility for their decisions. They create a culture where mistakes are viewed as challenges to overcome rather than opportunities to assign blame.
  7. Challenge: Outstanding managers provide employees with autonomy and independence. They set broad guidelines and encourage their team to take ownership of their work, transforming tasks into expressions of their unique skills and experiences.
  8. Recruit, Train, & Retain: Exceptional managers excel at recruiting, training, and retaining top talent. They replicate their successful strategies and concepts, ensuring the continuous growth of their team.

What traits do you look for in a sales leader?  We’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences.

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